Eclectic commentary from a progressive voice in the red state

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

If you're not a racist but support Trump

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump mocking the disabled.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump trying to insult an American-born judge by insulting Mexicans.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump insulting a Gold Star family because they are Muslims.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump wanting to register Muslims like Hitler did with the Jews in the 1930s before the Holocaust.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump conspiring with the Russians to rig the United States election with propaganda.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump continually lying, yes lying, about things that are he said, saw and did.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump assaulting women of all ages and grabbing their genitals.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump’s extramarital affairs as he represents the party of family values.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump as a good businessman, even as he stiffs people who he hires.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump as a businessman whose enterprises fail and he lies about it.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump committing fraud with Trump University.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump for criticizing outsourcing jobs while he does the very same thing.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump when he won’t read security briefings and lets his un-vetted children in on high level government meetings.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump appointing people to his cabinet who want to destroy the very agencies he wants them to head.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump and his children setting up a pay-for-access deal.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump embracing the support of white nationalists and the KKK.

So, you’re not a racist, but you accept Trump  . . .

So, if you’re not a racist, what are you?

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